Buyers will be standing at your front door for a minute while the Realtor opens the lockbox. So make sure their first impression is a good one!
1. Paint
Take a good look at the door itself. Is the paint faded, chipped, or cracked? A fresh coat of paint is an inexpensive fix. (If you live in an HOA controlled neighborhood, check with the HOA before making any changes to the paint color!)
2. Hardware
Clean the door hardware well to remove any dirt or tarnish. Or, consider upgrading to a modern door handle. The same goes for any outdoor light fixtures.
3. Flowers
Add a couple of pots of fresh, cheerful flowers to make your home look inviting.
4. Clear the cobwebs and dirt
Sweep the front area thoroughly to remove any dust, dirt or cobwebs. If your front door is covered, sweep well overhead too. Stains on the landing? Consider renting a pressure washer to get the concrete sparkling clean.
Photo by James Balensiefen on Unsplash